Black-winged stilt (himantopus himantopus), Sun Farms
Glossy ibis (plegadis falcinellus) Sun Farms
Glossy ibis (plegadis falcinellus) Sun Farms
Whiskered tern (chlidonias hybrida), Sun Farms
Black-winged stilt (himantopus himantopus), Glossy ibis (plegadis falcinellus) and White-tailed lapwing (vanellus leucurus), Sun Farms. Really nice combination!!!
Indian Roller (coracias benghalensis), Sun Farms
Indian Roller (coracias benghalensis), Sun Farms
Grey Francolin (francolinus pondicerianus) Sun Farms
Green bee-eater (merops orientalis) Sun Farms
Green bee-eater (merops orientalis) Sun Farms
Sociable lapwing (vanellus gregarius) Sun Farms
Sociable lapwing (vanellus gregarius) Sun Farms
Sociable lapwing (vanellus gregarius) Sun Farms
Southern grey shrike (lanius meridionalis), Sun Farms
Greater short-toed lark (calandrella brachydactyla) Sun Farms
Grey wagtail (motacilla cinerea), Sun Farms
Grey wagtail (motacilla cinerea), Sun Farms
Citrin wagtail (motacilla citreola) Sun Farms
Citrin wagtail (motacilla citreola) Sun Farms
Crested lark (Galerida cristata) Sun Farms
Common snipe (gallinago gallinago) Sun Farms
Sooty falcon (falco concolor) Al Fahal Island
Striated heron (butorides striata) Al Fahal Island
Sooty falcon (falco concolor) Al Fahal Island
European nightjar (caprimulgu8s europaes) Al Fahal Island. This bird came flying and settled on the island.
Bridled tern ((onychoprion anaethetus) during the trip to Al Fahal Island
Bridled tern ((onychoprion anaethetus) during the trip to Al Fahal Island
Persian shearwater (puffinus persicus), during the trip to Al Fahal Island
Arctic skua (stercorarius parasiticus) during the trip to Al Fahal Island
Pallid harrier (circus macrourus) Barr al Hikman
Pallid harrier (circus macrourus) Barr al Hikman
Desert wheatear (oenanthe deserti) Barr al Hikman
Barr al Hikman. Here we had great knot (6), black-bellied, greater and lesser sandplover, kentish plover, crabplover (more than 300) tereksandpiper, ruddy turnstone, broad-billed sandpiper, black-tailed godwit and many many other shorebirds and and a lot of them.
Barr al Hikman, paradise for shorebirds, gulls and terns.
Sooty gull (larus hemprichii) Shannah
Heuglin´s gull (larus heuglini), Shannah
Sooty gull (larus hemprichii) Shannah
Western reef heron (egretta gularis) Shannah
Crab plover (dromas ardeola) Shannah
Isabelline shrike (lanius isabellinus), Barr al Hikman
Little stint (calidris minuta) Barr al Hikman
Barr al Hikman
Dunlins (calidris alpina), barr al Hikamn. They came flying and it looks like they were going to spend the night here not far from the shore.
Black-crowned sparrow-lark (eremopterix nigriceps) Al Ghaftayn
Black-crowned sparrow-lark (eremopterix nigriceps) Al Ghaftayn
Bluethroat (luscinia svecica), Al Ghaftayn
Isabelline shrike (lanius isabellinus), Al Ghaftayn
Pied wheatear (oenanthe pleschanka), Al Ghaftayn
Greater sandplover (Charadrius leschenaultii) and water pipit (anthus spinoletta), Muntasar
Hypocolius (hypocolius ampelinus) Qatbit
Desert wheatear (oenanthe deserti), Qatbit
Desert wheatear (oenanthe deserti), Qatbit
Pallid scops owl (otus brucei) Qatbit
Pallid scops owl (otus brucei) Qatbit
Pallid scops owl (otus brucei) Qatbit
Pallid scops owl (otus brucei) Qatbitt
Pallid scops owl (otus brucei) Qatbit
Isabelline wheatear (oenanthe isabellina, Dawkah
Eurasian hobby (falco subbuteo), Dawkah
Eurasian hobby (falco subbuteo), Dawkah
Greater hoopoe-lark (alaemon alaudipes) Al Balid Farm
Greater hoopoe-lark (alaemon alaudipes) Al Balid Farm
Isabelline shrike (lanius isabellinus, Al Balid Farm
Chestnut-belliied sandgrouse (pterocles exustus), Al Balid Farm
Black-crowned sparrow-lark (eremopterix nigriceps) female, Al Balid Farm
Chestnut-belliied sandgrouse (pterocles exustus), Al Balid Farm
Greater hoopoe-lark (alaemon alaudipes) Al Balid Farm
Intermediate egret (egretta intermedia) West Khawr
Tristram´s starling (onychognathus tristramii), Al Mughsayl
Blackstart (cercomela melanura), Al Mughsayl
Common tern (sterna hirundo), Al Mughsayl
Common tern (sterna hirundo), Al Mughsayl
Green bee-eater (meroops orientalis), Al Mughsayl
Steppe eagles 90 %, eastern imperial eagle, greater spotted eagle and black kite, Raysut waste disposal. We think there were more than 300 eagles at this site.
White stork (ciconia ciconia), Raysut waste disposal.